Article (21)
Any Alien who is arrested in the State after illegally infiltrating or entering it shall be punished with imprisonment, and the court shall order the deportation of the Alien and confiscation of the funds obtained by the Alien from any activity or work undertaken during that period.
Article (22)
- The captain of any means of transportation shall be punished with temporary imprisonment if he brings in or removal or attempts to bring in or removal an Alien to the State in violation of the provisions of this Decree-Law.
- There shall be punished with the same penalty mentioned in the previous clause anyone who guides, help or assists in any form of assistance an infiltrator to get into or out of the State, in all cases the court shall order the confiscation of the means of committing the crime without prejudice to the rights of bona fide third parties, and the court shall also order the deportation of the Alien.
Article (23)
There shall be punished by imprisonment for a period not exceeding (6) six months and a fine of not less than (5,000) five thousand dirhams and not more than (10,000) ten thousand dirhams, or either of these two penalties, anyone who gives a false information with the intent of evading the provisions of this Decree-Law, and the court may order the deportation of the Alien from the State.
Article (24)
- Anyone who forges a visa, residence permit, or any official document on the basis of which these visas orpermits are issued, with the purpose of evading the provisions of this Decree-Law, shall be punished with imprisonment for a period not exceeding (10) ten
- Anyone who uses any of the forged documents referred to in this Article with knowledge of its forgery shall be punished with the same penalty.
- In all cases, the court shall order the deportation of the Alien from the
Article (25)
- There shall be punished with a fine of (50,000) fifty thousand dirhams anyone who employs, harbors or puts the Alien in violation of the provisions of this Decree-Law, and the penalty shall be imprisonment and a fine of(50,000) fifty thousand dirhams in case of
- Whoever recruits an Alien for the purpose of work in accordance with the provisions of this Decree-Law and does not employ him or leaves him to work for third parties without following the legal proceduresestablished for that, shall be punished with the same
penalty stipulated in Clause (1) of this Article, and in all cases the fine shall be multiplied by the number of violators.
- Anyone who recruits an Alien for the purpose of work in accordance with the provisions of this Decree-Law shall be exempted from punishment if he reports that the Alien has left his work, in accordance with what is determined in the Executive Regulations of this Decree-Law, in this case he shall be compensated in the amount of (10,000) ten thousand dirhams as a deduction from the amount of the fine imposed in accordancewith Clause
(1) of this Article, and the value of the Alien’s travel ticket shall be deducted from the amount of the fine.
- Anyone who uses or harbors an intruder shall be punished by imprisonment for a period of no less than two months and a fine of (100,000) one hundred thousand dirhams.
- The fine shall be multiplied by the number of violators who are employed or sheltered with a maximum of (5,000,000) five million dirhams.
- Without prejudice to the penalties mentioned in the previous clauses, if it is proven that a farm or manor or part of any of them has been allocated to house violating or intrusive workers, the court shall order the demolition or removal of that part of the building.
- In all cases, the court shall order the deportation of the violating alien, as well as it shall also order the deportation of the alien who has employed him or harbored him upon
- The owner of the farm or manor shall be exempted from the prescribed penalty if it is proven that he was not aware of the incident subject matter of the crime.
- The crimes stipulated in this Article are excluded from the application of the provisions of extenuating circumstances stipulated in the Penal Code.
- In respect the purposes of this Article, a farm means every land designated for the cultivation and planting of plant varieties, and a manor is meant every place designated for raising some kinds of animals.